Thank You!

Thank you for your application! You really are taking a profound step to transform your love life and finally have your ultimate relationship!

Now that we have received your application, we will go over it carefully, and you will be contacted soon for a follow-up appointment.

Very Important

It’s very important that you took the application seriously and filled it out completely. If you feel that you need to add to your application. Please send your additions to

Finding Love Self-Assessment Survey

The final piece of the application is sending us your Finding Love Self-Assessment Survey.

If you don't have the survey, you can download it be right-clicking the link Finding Love Self-Assessment Survey. If you are on a Mac, you would control-click the link.

Please copy and paste the survey questions and your answers into an email and send it to

We are delighted that you have applied to the Soulmate Attraction Intensive! We hope very much that you will be able to join our soulmate attraction family so that you can finally embrace the love you long for!

With love,