Extraordinary Love really can be yours…
The Single 2 Soulmate
Breakthrough Program
(Fast Action Discount – $150 off regular price until when the countdown reaches zero!)
I’m Ready to Find Love, Sign Me Up!
The $150 off is only available until
when the countdown reaches zero.Afterwards, the price goes back to $397.
I’m Ready to Find Love, Sign Me Up!
This 3-pay option is only available until
when the countdown reaches zero.Afterwards, it becomes 4 payments of $99.

Total value $1,300 including bonuses!
No-Risk 60-Day Money-back Guarantee!
Has your love life been…
- Disastrous relationships with Mr or Ms Wrong?
- Meeting or dating great people… and then blowing it?
- Unsatisfying relationships where you feel like you’re settling?
- An endless, frustrating, lonely search for true (healthy!) love?

What is really keeping you from the love of your life?
What if there is something holding you back that you don’t even know about?[/text_block]

There are many common myths around finding love…
Some people think that it’s simply a question of numbers and that you will find your soul mate if you just meet enough people…

Or you may think that the reason you haven’t found your soul mate yet is because:
- You need to lose weight, or
- You need to make more money, or
- You are too short or too tall, or
- You don’t have enough time, or
- It’s too hard to meet people where you live, or
- All the good ones are taken, or
- You are just “unlucky” at love

The reality is…
Most people aren’t aware of their true blocks to finding love
The challenge of finding your beloved has less to do with meeting lots of people or the “external” factors above…
and much more to do with clearing the internal obstacles that are holding you back from having a wonderful love life.[/text_block]

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.

- Being subconsciously, powerfully attracted to the wrong people
- Self-doubts and insecurities
- Limiting beliefs about yourself and what is possible
- Fears around love (many of which may be hidden from you)

- repeat painful relationship experiences with the wrong people
- shy away from exciting people
- sabotage yourself when dating or while in a relationship

Prior to your program, I thought I was a little crazy, or overly sensitive and sentimental. Some of my friends thought I had low self-esteem because I couldn’t seem to tear myself away from guys/situations that weren’t good for me.
Now I have a reason for why this happened, and I can’t tell you how helpful that is to me! I’m very grateful for having that understanding now. So, thank you Stefan! Your program was wonderful and I’m wildly happy that I was a part of it! S.J., California

Imagine finally having the Love of your dreams…
- Meeting your life-time Love later on tonight to go out to your favorite restaurant and then to see a great movie…
- Knowing that when you’re done with that project tomorrow, your life-time Love and you are leaving for a luscious weekend getaway…
- Knowing that if you hurt yourself or got into some kind of bind, your life-time Love would be there for you without judgment, on your side, 100%…
- Waking up next to someone who feels so special that you get chills down your back….even after years of being together…

This doesn’t have to be just a dream… My Story
I spent years going from one unhappy relationship to another until I finally realized that the problem was within me. I worked hard to discover and clear all of my blocks to finding love. My own personal healing journey ultimately inspired me to help others and get the 9 years of extensive training that I needed to do so.[/text_block]

I used all of that knowledge and experience to create the 6-Week Single to Soulmate Breakthrough Program.[/text_block]

I am happily married to a wonderful woman named Laura, and we have an inspiring, love-filled, and wonderfully fulfilling relationship:[/text_block]

I found the partner of my dreams, and it’s my passion to help you find yours!
I purchased your Breakthrough Program in February, and I honestly think this was the best invested money of my life.
I cannot start to explain to you the dramatic change that working with EFT has caused in my life. And I’m not just talking about a “finding a relationship” kind of level but to a general level as well.
[/text_block]Once the emotional baggage is removed, your life really starts to make dramatic changes and you just feel more relaxed and content. On the romantic side I don’t want to go into details right now, but I’m excited to tell you that I now have a wonderful relationship!
Itzel Compan, June

How to Make this Dream a Reality…
Introducing the 6-Week Single 2 Soulmate Breakthrough Program
The 6-Week Single to Soulmate Breakthrough Program is a powerful and effective program for breaking through your emotional blocks to finding lasting love.
It brings together powerful self-discovery tools that allow you to uncover deep-seated emotional blocks that sabotage your efforts to develop healthy and nurturing intimate relationships…
It uses Relational EFT™ to rapidly release your love-limiting beliefs and behaviors… and it includes a unique application of the Law of Attraction to pull you and Mr. or Ms. Right into each other’s loving arms as soon as possible.[/text_block]

Here is what you will get with the 6-Week Single 2 Soulmate Breakthrough Program:
- 6 audio modules (plus one surprise module) that address the 3 key blocks to finding love
- This includes:
- Breaking free from being attracted to the wrong people once and for all!
- Clearing the fears and limiting beliefs keeping you from Mr or Ms Right
- The Love Life Accelerator to magnetize your soulmate into your life as quickly as possible
- 30 transformational healing sessions covering a wide range of blocks to finding love so that your personal blocks will be cleared.
- Master the Law of Attraction to magnetize love into your life as fast as possible!
- The Breakthrough Program Workbook
Clear, concise, reading materials and step-by-step activities you can easily do that help you gently take your heart out of its hidey-hole so you can find and receive the love you so deserve. - No overwhelm or self-help you’ll never use! The recordings and support materials are provided to you over a 6-week time-frame so you can easily integrate this healing program as you go through each step.

Finding my life partner was like trying to solve an ancient mystery. Even
though I actively sought and educated myself with guidance and advice from relationship experts, I still didn’t understand why I was magnetically drawn to the wrong types of men. Stefan’s Breakthrough Program was my last hope.
By following Stefan’s EFT practices, I was finally able to permanently unearth and demolish those deeply ingrained false beliefs that kept me from finding the right mate. What a breakthrough! This program was beyond my expectations and I am thankful that I made the decision to seek Stefan’s help. Julie

What Makes the Single 2 Soulmate Breakthrough Program Uniquely Effective?
There are other programs that might help you understand the nature of blocks to finding love. Understanding your blocks is an important first step, but what you really want to do is remove those blocks. I offer powerful methods not seen in other programs.
What makes the Single to Soulmate Breakthrough Program uniquely effective is that it combines three potent methods for uprooting and releasing emotional blocks and limiting beliefs —
Self-Discovery + EFT Tapping Therapy + the “Law of Attraction” provide a powerful 1,2,3 punch not found anywhere else![/text_block]

Self-Discovery: Discover YOUR Blocks to Finding Love
The Single to Soulmate Breakthrough Program includes powerful methods for discovering the specific emotional blocks and limiting beliefs that are keeping you from the Love of your life.
As long as you don’t know what your blocks are, you are stuck at the starting gate, helpless to do anything about your love life.
However, once you have identified your blocks to love, you are in the powerful position to change the future course of your life. The Single to Soulmate Breakthrough Program then uses the power of EFT to break through your blocks once and for all.[/text_block]

EFT Quickly Clears Emotional Blocks to Finding Love
EFT (Tapping Therapy) is a powerful, easy-to-learn self-help tool that works like “emotional acupressure” to rapidly relieve negative emotions and limiting beliefs.
It is extremely effective for healing the fears, insecurities, and limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck and single.
I have been Tapping for years and have found it to be a pivotal tool in creating the life of my dreams.
Jack Canfield, Co-Author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series [/text_block]

Proof: EFT Research Results – More Effective and Much Faster
5,000 patients diagnosed with an anxiety disorder were randomly assigned to an experimental group (EFT) or a control group (Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) with anti-anxiety medication, which is traditionally considered the therapy of choice). Here are the results:[/text_block]

Outcome Comparisons with 5,000
Anxiety Patients at Close of Therapy
CBT/Medication | EFT | |
Significant Improvement | 63% | 90% |
Complete Relief From Symptoms | 51% | 76% |
Average Number of Sessions! | 15 | 3 |

EFT was dramatically faster and more effective. EFT is great not just for anxiety – it can quickly relieve your fears, hurt, sadness, anger, insecurities, and any other negative emotion that is interfering with your love life.
Note: If you don’t already know how to do EFT, it is taught at the beginning of the Single to Soulmate Breakthrough Program. EFT is a wonderful tool that you can keep using for all parts of your life![/text_block]

Relational EFT™ – Far Beyond “Standard EFT”
EFT is a powerful tool for quickly healing childhood wounds. However, as powerful is it is, Standard EFT alone is not sufficient for all aspects of finding Love.
The Single to Soulmate Breakthrough Program uses a special version of EFT that I created called Relational EFT™ to do the deep healing work needed to clear those blocks, once and for all… AND it does it from a crucial relational perspective not found anywhere else.
Why Is That Important?
Of course, you need to clear the blocks keeping you from finding your ideal partner. That’s super important and a vital first step.
However, you also want to have a healthy relationship with your soulmate after you find him or her!
Imagine how tragic it would be to finally find your soulmate and then ultimately have your relationship fall apart because your unaddressed relational issues were sabotaging your relationship!
Through Relational EFT™ your inner child gets her or his emotional needs met in a way that never happened in childhood. This is a critically important step in the healing process to stop being attracted to the wrong people once and for all.
Standard EFT alone can’t do this. Once you have healed your wounds using Relational EFT™, you will then find yourself being attracted to Mr or Ms Right…naturally.
Then, once you have cleared your blocks and limiting beliefs using our unique approach to EFT, you then use the Law of Attraction to bring your Love into your life as soon as possible.[/text_block]

The Law of Attraction to Bring Your Soul Mate Into Your Life Faster
The Law of Attraction (as described in the book and movie The Secret) is a powerful force that works either for you or against you in your search for love.
It is always doing one or the other. It tends to be an unconscious process, and many people have had a difficult time getting the Law of Attraction to work in their favor.[/text_block]

The Secret to the Secret
The Single to Soulmate Breakthrough Program uses your “Emotional Guidance System” to help you identify if your “vibration” for attracting love is positive or negative.
The results may surprise you. If your vibration turns out to be negative, you are actually repelling love from your life instead of attracting it!
The Single to Soulmate Breakthrough Program then provides potent EFT-based tools to help you dramatically shift your vibration for attracting love into the positive so that you can magnetize Love into your life as fast as possible.[/text_block]

This Sounds Like a Great System, Stefan. But Will the Single 2 Soulmate Breakthrough Program Really Work for Me Personally?
The answer is a resounding YES! You will get help with your specific blocks to finding lasting, (luscious) love in the following ways:
- The Breakthrough Program has powerful self-discovery exercises that are specifically designed to help you zero in on YOUR own personal blocks to finding love…
- In addition, you will find that many of the individual EFT tapping sessions will be directly targeted to YOUR specific blocks to finding love. (For example, how many people are attracted to unavailable partners or critical partners or needy partners or partners with anger issues or have a hard time saying no or don’t feel worthy of love, just to name a few?) With 30 individual EFT tapping sessions to pick and choose from, you will identify with many of them!
- There will also be group tapping processes that apply to everyone, including YOU…
- Plus a valuable surprise bonus I’ll tell you about in a moment that wraps the entire program around YOUR unique needs. You’re going to love it!

Sign Up Now and Get the Following Free Bonuses
Bonus #1: LIFE-TIME access to monthly live Laser Finding Love Q&A Calls with Stefan Gonick, Soulmate Attraction Mentor – $600 value
Get YOUR questions answered on any topic about finding and creating extraordinary love:
- Questions about your specific blocks to finding love
- Questions about manifesting your partner
- Questions about your healing process
- The value of this program continues as long as you need it!
These Laser Q&A Calls will help tailor the Single to Soulmate Breakthrough Program to work best just for you.
Q&A call testimonial:
“I have been listening to the last 5 Q & A episodes and I must say that I am very impressed by the high quality of advice you provide!
The answers are wise, straight to the point, but delivered with compassion, and I can see that you are very intuitive too.” ~Danielle
Bonus #2: The New Behavior Manifestation Technique by Stefan Gonick – $100 value
Much of our healing work is about reducing the negative in our lives. It’s about reducing negative feelings and removing blocks. These are wonderful things, but there is often not enough energy put into increasing the positive in our lives.
The New Behavior Manifestation Technique is an EFT-based video and audio program to help you solidify any desired new behavior.
This may include being calm and confident on a date, eating healthier, exercising more, or any other behavior you desire. The New Behavior Manifestation Technique is a wonderful tool that you can use for the rest of your life.[/text_block]

Bonus #3: Breaking Ties to Past Partners by Carol Look, EFT Master – $100 value
An important block to finding love can be old heartbreaks and unresolved ties to past partners.
This EFT audio program is designed to help you overcome old heartbreaks and release those ties so that you are free to open your heart to new love in your life![/text_block]

Bonus #4: The Love Synapse: Understanding Physical Attraction with EFT Sexperts Alina Frank and Dr. Craig Weiner – $100 Value
In this day and age, doing the horizontal mambo is just part and parcel of the dating scene. But when is the right time to jump in the sack?
What is it about that level of chemistry that you need to know before bringing sexual intimacy into your new relationship? What are your conscious and unconscious contributions to this decision? Get the answer to these questions and more.[/text_block]

Bonus #5: 3 Vitals Steps to Getting Clear and Finding Your Ideal Partner with Lindsay Kenny, EFT Master – $100 Value
Many people really don’t have a clear picture of what they are wanting and looking for in a partner.
In this interview, EFT Master Lindsay Kenny talks about the 3 vital steps you need to take in order to get clear and attract your ideal partner and soul mate.[/text_block]

So altogether, that’s over $1,300 worth of powerful block busting tools to help you open your heart to lasting Love.
Not to mention the time, money and energy you’ll save when you stop being attracted to Mr. or Ms. Wrongs:
- no more pointless, bad dates
- no more endless hours on dating sites
- no more heartache from repeating the same painful relationships over and over again
- no more lonely nights staying home watching TV…
Best part? All of these benefits are yours for less than you probably spend at your favorite coffee shop each month.[/text_block]

No-Risk 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee
If you are not sure that the Single to Soulmate Breakthrough Program will work for you, you are welcome to try it risk-free for 60 days. If you don’t feel that you are getting amazing benefits, ask for a refund. It’s as simple as that.
I will cheerfully return every cent that you paid and even let you keep all of the free bonuses as my thank you for giving it an honest try. There is no risk to try the Single to Soulmate Breakthrough Program… and there is everything to gain.[/text_block]

Single 2 Soulmate
Breakthrough Program
(Fast Action Discount – $150 off regular price until when the countdown reaches zero!)

I’m Ready to Find Love, Sign Me Up!
The $150 off is only available until
when the countdown reaches zero.Afterwards, the price goes back to $397.
I’m Ready to Find Love, Sign Me Up!
This 3-pay option is only available until
when the countdown reaches zero.Afterwards, it becomes 4 payments of $99.

Total value $1,300 including bonuses!
No-Risk 60-Day Money-back Guarantee!

But, I was determined to change my old patterns. So I took your program. I listened to many of the recordings more than once and tapped along. I didn’t even realize the program was working, but my outlook on love was changing.
Labor Day weekend in 2011, I met a great guy at a wedding. There were supposed to be no single men at the wedding – but we happened to sit at the same table toward the end of the evening and struck up a conversation.
It’s now January 2012, and we’ve been dating since then and are making plans for the future. We are in love and we are talking about getting married.
Stefan, I want to thank you. Following your program helped me become ready to accept a loving relationship from a great guy.
I was able to open my heart and mind to let someone into my life. I know no relationship is perfect, but it’s been surprisingly easy. No drama. No tears. Thank you! Sandra V[/text_block]

Why Should I Get Started Now?
Before you just bookmark this page to “come back to later”…
Ask yourself:
- How long do I want to stay stuck, loveless and lonely?
- How long do I want to keep having a painful, exhausting, discouraging love life?
- How long do I want to keep having bad dates (or no dates)?
- How long do I want to keep repeating painful relationships and heartache?
- How long do I want to keep sabotaging myself when I meet someone great?

Hopefully, your answer is not a minute longer!
You really can take powerful action now to find, and even more importantly keep, the love of your life![/text_block]

The Single 2 Soulmate Breakthrough Program will help
you get the extraordinary love you long for!
Fast Action Discount – $150 Off Regular Price until when the countdown reaches zero!
I’m Ready to Find Love, Sign Me Up!
The $150 off is only available until
when the countdown reaches zero.Afterwards, the price goes back to $397.
I’m Ready to Find Love, Sign Me Up!
This 4-pay option is only available until
when the countdown reaches zero.Afterwards, it becomes 4 payments of $99.

Total value $1,300 including bonuses!
No-Risk 60-Day Money-back Guarantee!

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